What qualifies as invasive?

Earthworms native to the American continent were wiped out by the glaciers during the ice age.

Which means, despite their good PR, any earthworms we encounter in the US are invasive.

But also, if the invasive European earthworms weren’t here, we might eventually lose forest density, experience mass erosion, and potentially everyone would be more likely to die.

Via NIH:

“The consequences (of complete loss of worms) may include altered responses to vaccines and to infectious diseases, and increased susceptibility to inflammatory conditions”

Kinda like “GMO” or “Cage Free” or “Creative” – definitions and designations hugely shape how we think about something and what it does. they shouldn’t.

Invasive is a historical descriptor, not a moral one.

GMO foods can be grown by family farms.

Creative has lost any sense of meaning whatsoever.

Don’t tell me how you’re categorized. Tell me what you do.

this is not really what I mean, but this tangent has ultimately led me to the following thought;

I’m not a freelance strategist,

I’m a worm

An invasive species that will make your garden grow.